1. Saying Hello and Goodbye
Greek has different greetings depending on the time of day and whether you’re speaking formally or informally. Here are the basics:
- Γειά σου (Ya su) – Hello (informal, for one person)
- Γειά σας (Ya sas) – Hello (formal or for more than one person)
- Καλημέρα (Kalimera) – Good morning
- Καλησπέρα (Kalispera) – Good afternoon/ evening
- Καλό βράδυ (Kalo vradi) – Have a good evening (when arriving or leaving)
- Καληνύχτα (Kalinikhta) – Good night (before bed or when leaving late at night)
2. Asking How Someone Is
Want to ask someone how they are? Here’s what to say:
- Τι κάνεις; (Ti kanis?) – How are you? (informal)
- Καλά, ευχαριστώ. (Kala, efharisto.) – I’m good, thank you!
3. Introducing Yourself
Now let’s talk about introductions!
- Πώς σε λένε; (Pos se lene?) – What’s your name? (informal)
- Με λένε… (Me lene…) – My name is…
For a more formal version, you can say:
4. Saying Where You Live
Want to tell someone where you live? Here’s how:
- Πού μένεις; (Pou menis?) – Where do you live? (informal)
- Μένω στην… (Meno stin…) – I live in…
(note that ‘στην’ will change, depending on the gender of the noun)
For example:
- Μένω στην Αθήνα. (Meno stin Athina.) – I live in Athens.
- Μένω στην Ελλάδα.. (Meno stin Elada.) – I live in Greece.
Watch the Video and Practice!
These basic phrases will help you start conversations in Greek with confidence! Watch our YouTube video to hear the correct pronunciation and practice with me.
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Καλή επιτυχία! (Kali epitychia!) – Good luck!
Bonus info:
Did you know that “γεια” (ya) comes from the ancient Greek word “ὑγεία” (hygieia), meaning health? Originally, Greeks greeted each other by wishing them good health, like saying “Take care” today. Over time, “υγεία” became the shorter “γεια,” now used for both hello and goodbye!
So, every time you say “γεια σου” or “γεια σας,” you’re actually wishing someone good health!
Want to learn more? Watch my YouTube video and start speaking Greek today!